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Lunar New Year 2024 holidays
From: Alice  Date: 2023-12-25 16:25:03

Year Date Day Holiday
2024 10 Feb Sat Lunar New Year
11 Feb Sun The Second Day of Lunar New Year
12 Feb Mon The Third Day of Lunar New Year
13 Feb Tue The Fourth Day of Lunar New Year

BONAD Company Lunar new year holidays Schedule:

*Jan.27-Feb.17,2023 Factory closed

*Feb.3-Feb.17,2023  Office closed

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    Add:C505, Hongdu Building,Bao\'an45 district,Shenzhen,518101,Guangdong Province,China    Tel:+86-13380391156    Fax:0755-23721200    Email:Alice@szbonad.com
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