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2018 Mid Autumn Festival and National day holiday notification!
From: Boand  Date: 2018-09-19 14:51:59

2018 Mid Autumn Festival and National day holiday notification!

According to the general office of the State Council announced the 2018 holiday arrangements, combined with the actual situation of the company, the 2018 Mid Autumn Festival holiday arrangements are as follows:
September 22th (Saturday) to September 24th (Monday) holiday, a total of 3 days.

 the 2018 National day holiday arrangements are as follows:

Octorber 1st(Monday) to October 7th(Sunday),total 7 days.  Normal work on Saturday and Monday. (Sep.29th, Sep.30th)

Please organize various departments to organize pre holiday security inspection, and do fire prevention, anti-theft investigation.
Best wishes for old and new friends! Happy mid autumn day! Happt National day!
Customer service department

September 19, 2018


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